Members present by phone: Meeting conducted through Google Meet.
Call to order and approve agenda: Amy Falcon
Review and Approval of Minutes: The minutes were not available and will be reviewed and approved next month.
Fiscal agent Financial Report: The financial report was reviewed.
Agenda Item 1: Public Awareness: No new information discussed. Advertising campaigns continue to be in place.
Agenda Item 2: Membership: There are no new members at this time. Amy had recruitment packets available for task force members to take with them.
Agenda Item 3: Education: Nothing to report.
Agenda Item 4: Data Collection: Nothing to report.
Agenda Item 5: KDADS update: Juan gave the following KDADS update:
- The Kansas Coalition on Problem Gambling will have a virtual webinar on February 10th from 9am-noon titled "The Sports Wagering Landscape: Risky Foundation or Safe Gambling Market." It will be facilitated by Brianne Doura-Schawohl. It will be no cost, but registration is required.
- The Kansas Prevention Collaborative Advocacy Day will take place virtually January 24-26. The Kansas Governor's Behavioral Health Services Planning Council Problem Gambling Sub-Committee and South-Central Problem Gambling Task Force will be collaborating on an advocacy presentation as part of the event. It will take place on Monday, January 24th at 1pm. More information is to come. Stakeholders are encouraged to attend.
- The Problem Gambling Awareness Month Toolkit with new resources for March will be released soon. There will also be a webinar on January 25th to discuss what's available and tips for how to use the resources.
- The Midwest Conference on Problem Gambling and Substance Abuse has released a Call for Proposals and will be accepting applications to present until January 30th•
- The National Council on Problem Gambling will be releasing Agility grants that will help fund community prevention efforts. The grants will be awarded via a competitive application process. More information will be released later this month.
- The National Conference on Problem Gambling will be taking place July 20th-23rd at the Westin Boston Seaport District Marriott.
Old Business: No old business to discuss.
New Business: No new business to discuss.
Next Meeting Reminder: February 10, 2022
Time of Adjournment: 2:30 p.m.