Members present by phone: None.
Call to order and approve agenda: Debbie Snapp.
Review and Approval of Minutes: Minutes were passed out and approved.
Fiscal agent Financial Report: Debbie reviewed the financial report.
Agenda Item 1: Public Awareness:Amy led a discussion regarding the budget for the remainder of the year. Depending on what the Cam Adair live stream event costs, there will be some money left to spend. Amy also discussed a proposal from Glen Hoyt with KWCH television. For 1,000.00, we would receive 200,000 digital impressions targeted to our 18 counties in SW Kansas. For 400.00, we would receive 40 :30 ads in a 6:00 am to midnight rotation in SW Kansas. The task force member want to know what time period the ads will run.
Agenda Item 2: Membership: There are no new members at this time. Amy had recruitment packets available for task force members to take with them.
Agenda Item 3: Education: Ethel provided a flier regarding an upcoming training for Mental Health First Aid. This will be held on 3-5-19 in the Rose Room at the Ford County Government Center. This is a training for adults.
Agenda Item 4: Data Collection: Amy will take with Shannon Dick about completing another community survey.
Agenda Item 5: KDADS update: Juan Baez with KDADS reported the following information:
- Awareness and action, gambling disorder screening day is 3-12-19 and there is a tool kit on the NCPG website.
- The quarterly reports are all turned in to KDADS.
- There are no longer any Prevention Talks meetings, this is now a podcast, which can be shared on social media.
- Juan reached out to National about TV spots for problem gambling awareness month, however, there were not any spots left.
- Cam Adair will be speaking on 3-27-19 at the Learning Library in Wichita from 6:30-8:00 pm. This will be live streamed to Dodge City. He will then be speaking in Wichita on 3-28-19 at the Hillside Christian Church from 8:00 am – noon. This session will be for professionals.
- Patricia Houston is the new Prevention and Promotion Specialist with WSU.
Old Business: 2019 Grant Deliverables: Debbie led a discussion about the upcoming Cam Adair conference and if the task force is going to be able to live stream it in Dodge City. Ethel has checked with the public Library for a location. Juan will check with WSU to determine what technology and equipment is needed. This can be done as a go to meeting.
New Business: None.
Next Meeting Reminder: March 14, 2019
Time of Adjournment: 2:30 p.m.