Members present: Amy Falcon, Larissa Craig, Juan Baez, Abbey Martin, Cindy Jacobs and Misty Powers.
Members present by phone: None.
Call to order and approve agenda: Amy Falcon.
Review and Approval of Minutes: Amy passed out the minutes for April 2019 and May 2019 and they were approved.
Fiscal agent Financial Report: Amy reviewed the financial report. Juan received an email from his fiscal department reporting a discrepancy in the amount we have left to spend and what the actual amount left. Amy will pass this on to the financial person.
Agenda Item 1: Public Awareness: Amy reviewed the status of media ads and other public awareness activities. Amy is working on getting new invoices for media ads and completing new contracts.
Agenda Item 2: Membership: There are no new members at this time. Amy had recruitment packets available for task force members to take with them.
Agenda Item 3: Education: NA.
Agenda Item 4: Data Collection: Amy led a discussion about the community surveys. The English survey monkey is ready but the Spanish version is not. Once that is ready, Amy will send the link out to the task force members to share. Abbey will put it in the community newsletter. Amy reported that the task force will have a booth at the Business Resource Fair on June 26, 2019, where the surveys will be available. Juan turned in a packet of completed surveys that he did at New Chance.
Agenda Item 5: KDADS update: Juan provided the following information: The FY2020 contracts were sent to the task forces this morning. Once they are signed, returned and processed, the 5% upfront money will be disbursed to the task forces. KDADS has done some restructuring. Andrew Brown is the new Director of Behavioral Health Services and under him are Charlie Bartlett, adult services and Gary Henault, youth services. Problem Gambling falls under adult services and Carol Spiker will report directly to Charlie. Juan also reminded the task force to spend down all of their money by the end of the month. The south central task force is having their mini conference on June 29, 2019 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Dr. Wiley Harwell will be the speaker. The south central task force also arranged for Juan and Misty to be interviewed by KSN and this will air on June 25, 2019 at 12: 30 pm. Juan reported that the scope of work in the contracts will be the same as the previous year with the monthly financial report, quarterly extended financial report, quarterly report and yearly tasks. There will be 272 lottery machines placed throughout the state beginning in July. There is a high chance some will be placed in Dodge City. Juan reminded everyone to keep an eye out for children gambling.
Old Business: 2019 Grant Deliverables: Amy provided information regarding the status of the grant deliverables.
New Business: No new business.
Next Meeting Reminder: August 8, 2019 (The task force decided there will not be a meeting held in July, which follows the schedule of previous years.)
Time of Adjournment: 2:00 p.m.