[Dodge City, Kansas] - Daniel J Trolaro, Assistant Executive Director of the Council of Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey will present a professional workshop and community event entitled “The Dis-Ease of Disordered Gambling: Pain, Fear & Vulnerability” at the United Wireless Center in Dodge City on April 6th. CEUs are available for those attending the professional workshop from 1 to 4 pm; anyone may attend the community event from 7 to 8 pm. Click here to RSVP for both events or call 620-227-1562 by March 13th.
Using elements from his own life and journey, Trolaro will examine the '"DIS"ease' of gambling addiction as well as the importance of community and connection in the recovery process. "For those who struggle with problem and disordered gambling," Trolaro explains, "their drug of choice is a process—-rather than a substance—-which serves as a solution to a deeper problem that includes varying degrees of pain including physical, psychological, emotional, and for most financial. Pain resulting from trauma, PTSD, abuse, adverse childhood experiences and neglect that goes unresolved will continue to manifest itself in the downward spiral of gambling addiction." A comprehensive, holistic approach that treats the whole person from deep within can lead to a sustained and meaningful long-term recovery.
The workshop and community event are being hosted by the Southwest Kansas Problem Gambling Taskforce as part of this year's Problem Gambling Awareness Month campaign that is being held throughout the month of March. The campaign theme “Awareness + Action” is all about taking action and having conversations about problem gambling issues and directing people to the help they may need. Approximately 2 million U.S. adults (1% of the population) are estimated to meet criteria for gambling disorder. Another 4-6 million (2-3%) are considered to meet criteria for problem gambling. And yet for many residents of the US, gambling remains a hidden addiction.
Using the tagline #AwarenessPlusAction, Problem Gambling Awareness Month (#PGAM) is designed to help raise awareness of the prevention, treatment and recovery services available for those adversely affected by gambling. This grassroots campaign brings together a wide range of stakeholders, including public health organizations, treatment providers, advocacy groups and gambling operators. They work collaboratively to let people know that hope and help exist.
About Daniel J Trolaro
Daniel Trolaro graduated from The College of New Jersey with a BS in Finance and a concentration in Economics. He also holds his MS in Psychology from California Coast University. Dan has spoken at dozens of events around the country about internet and mobile device gambling as well as emerging trends in sports gambling Whether speaking on prevention strategies, treatment resources, responsible gaming or recovery resources, Dan discusses the concept of gambling, addiction switching, co-occurrence, and behaviors associated with this devastating addiction.
About the Southwest Kansas Problem Gambling Taskforce
Founded in 2008, the mission of the Southwest Kansas Problem Gambling Task Force is to raise awareness and provide education to individuals, families, and communities to reduce the harmful effects of problem gambling. The Task Force is neither for nor against gambling but concentrates on efforts to help those affected by problem gambling through public awareness, prevention, and education programs and ensuring resources are available to problem gamblers and their families.
For more information, contact Amy Falcon at 620-227-1590, or by email at [email protected]