Members present by phone: This was a “Google meet” meeting.
Call to order and approve agenda: Amy Falcon.
Review and Approval of Minutes: The April 2020 minutes were distributed.
Fiscal agent Financial Report: Amy and Debbie reviewed the financial report. Juan will send the form to reallocate money to Debbie, Melissa and Amy.
Agenda Item 1: Public Awareness: Amy led a discussion about give-away items that need to be purchased. The task force would like to see examples of 6 x 4 notepads and sticky notes. It was agreed that we will order the spray hand sanitizers and pens. Amy will send examples of the notepads and sticky notes to the task force through email so a final decision can be made.
Agenda Item 2: Membership: There were no new members at the meeting. Amy had recruitment packets available for task force members to take with them.
Agenda Item 3: Education: NA.
Agenda Item 4: Data Collection: Shannon reported that he does not have the spreadsheet with the data for the community surveys. Debbie will make sure he gets that.
Agenda Item 5: KDADS update: Juan Baez with KDADS gave the following report:
*Task force contracts are in the approval process, which is about a month ahead of usual. He requested the action plan be updated and sent to him.
*He reminded the task force to submit the fiscal report by the 10th of e ach month and the supporting documents in July.
*He reminded the task force to spend their money down by June 30, 2020.
*He reported that the task force can spend an extra 1000-1500.00 on giveaways this year.
*There are problem gambling trainings and educational webinars available.
*The Midwest conference is cancelled for this year and will be held beginning 6-16-21.
*The National conference is online in July and then in person in November in Washington DC.
*There has been a decrease in calls to the helpline and those in treatment.
Old Business: See public awareness section for old business.
New Business: 2020 Grant Deliverables: Work continues to be done related to the grant deliverables. Amy will send the updated action plan to Juan.
Agency reports regarding continued operations during pandemic:
Larissa reported that the casino has a tentative opening date of 5-18-20. There will be no table games at this time and the employees will wear masks and have their temperatures checked. People playing the slots will be required to be six feet apart. Firesides restaurant will open, and the customers will be seated six feet apart as well.
Shannon reported about the work he is doing with the southwest Kansas Covid 19 resource group. They are sewing masks and using 3D printers to make items needed for healthcare workers in southwest Kansas.
Amy and Debbie talked about Catholic Charities helpline/email and the Covid 19 resource page, which Amy will send out to the task force through email.
Richard reported that Compass Behavioral Health has seen a rise in crisis calls and more domestic abuse. He has been communicating with the state about the yellow ribbon program. He reported there has been an 80% increase of gun sales in Kansas this year; 70% Feb-Mar. The concern is that most suicides are completed with guns. Compass does not have a reopen date at this time. The therapists have continued to have regular numbers of appointments, but Richard’s department has seen a decrease in children’s visits.
Debbie reported about the crisis counseling money from CARES and she will send that information to Richard and Vicki Broz.
Ethel reported that the Ford County Extension office is open, but the public has to call from the main floor in order to be seen. She is working partially from home and partially from the office. They are restricted until at last July 4, 2020 by Kansas State University.
Next Meeting Reminder: June 11, 2020
Time of Adjournment: 2:30 p.m.