Members present: Amy Falcon, Debbie Snapp, Richard Falcon, Christa Roy, Larissa Craig, Juan Baez, Cindy Jacobs and Ethel Schneweis.
Members present by phone: None.
Call to order and approve agenda: Amy Falcon.
Review and Approval of Minutes: Amy passed out the minutes for June 2019 and they were approved.
Fiscal agent Financial Report: Amy reviewed the final financial report for fiscal year 2019. The new budget has not been completed yet therefore the July and August reports are not available.
Agenda Item 1: Public Awareness: Amy reviewed the status of media ads and other public awareness activities. The task force decided to purchase ad space with the YMCA in Garden City similar to the Dodge City ads. Amy will follow up with Monitor Productions to see if we can do the same with the Liberal YMCA. It was also decided to accept the proposal from Western Kansas Broadcast Center for radio advertising from October 2019 through June 2020 in the amount of 21,780.00. Amy discussed to upcoming events where booths will be set up: the resource fair at the Dodge City Community College on 8-14-19 and the Diocesan Stewardship Conference to be held in Dodge City on 8-24-19. We will purchase a 50.00 Visa gift card to be given away as an incentive for people to complete the community awareness survey.
Agenda Item 2: Membership: There are no new members at this time. Amy had recruitment packets available for task force members to take with them. Amy added Brenda Alarcon, who is a provider at New Chance in Dodge City, to the email list. She was unable to attend today’s meeting.
Agenda Item 3: Education: NA.
Agenda Item 4: Data Collection: Amy led a discussion about the community surveys. The English survey monkey is ready and the Spanish version is almost ready. Amy reported that Catholic Charities had a booth at the Business Resource Fair on June 26, 2019, where 77 surveys were completed. Those who completed a survey put their name in a drawing for a 50.00 Visa gift card. Amy and other Catholic Charities staff will be manning a booth at the Resource Fair for DC3 on August 14, 2019 and at the Diocesan Stewardship Conference on August 24, 2019. We will be giving away 50.00 Visa gifts cards at these booths as well. Juan turned in a packet of completed surveys that he did at New Chance. Christa Roy turned in completed surveys from Manor of the Plains and the Senior Center as well. Prior to these being turned in, we have collected 121 surveys to date.
Agenda Item 5: KDADS update: Juan provided the following information: The contracts have all been signed and returned to the task forces and the 5% upfront payment should be coming soon. The budget is staying the same and as are the deliverables. This year, they structured things a little differently do make things easier: 8% for fiscal, 14% for the mobilizer, 3% for give aways and 25% for media/awareness. The mandatory yearly meeting will be held in Wichita on August 30, 2019 from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. The due date of the action plan will be discussed during this meeting. Responsible gaming week is the week of September 15, 2019. There are free resources available on the website to promote this. Larissa from the casino will let us know what activities they plan to do that week and what we can do to support them. 10 states have expanded sports betting and New Jersey has now surpassed Nevada in this area. Most of the revenue comes from online sports betting. There was a hearing in Washington D.C. yesterday regarding loot boxes but Juan was not able to listen to all of it. The Golden Mesa in Guymon, OK was supposed to open the end of July but is not yet open.
Old Business: 2019 Grant Deliverables: No old business.
New Business: 2020 Grant Deliverables: Most of the advertising contracts have been renewed for the new grant year. Amy shared a proposal from Monitor productions, who manages the advertising for the YMCA. They asked if we would like to do the same advertising in Garden City that we do in Dodge City. They task force decided to approve this. Amy will contact Monitor Productions to get this started. Amy will also inquire about the Liberal YMCA. Amy also shared a proposal from Western Kansas Broadcast Center for radio advertising from October 2019 through June 2020. This was also approved by the task force. Amy shared the fliers that were created and each task force member took some to place in different areas. Amy will contact Sharon Stuart about getting permission to send these home with students in the school district.
Debbie asked task force members to share their experiences with attending the Midwest Conference and the Nation Conference. There was discussion about the Midwest Conference being the best one so far, even though attendance was down. The National Conference did not seem to be as beneficial as it has been in the past. Two of the speakers were discussed from the Midwest Conference; Joseph Green and Dan Trolaro. Cindy Jacobs asked if the task force wants to pursue a conference for problem gambling awareness month. There was interest in doing this. The task force discussed the possibility of having Joseph Green and Dan Trolaro be the speakers at this conference. This will be discussed more at another meeting.
Next Meeting Reminder: September 12, 2019
Time of Adjournment: 2:30 p.m.