Members present by phone: None.
Call to order and approve agenda: Amy Falcon.
Review and Approval of Minutes: Amy passed out the minutes for September 2019 and they were approved.
Fiscal agent Financial Report: The new budget has not been completed yet therefore the financial reports were not available today.
Agenda Item 1: Public Awareness: Amy led a discussion about holding a conference in March, which is Problem Gambling Awareness Month. Juan reported that he talked to Dan Trolaro and he has agreed to speak at our event on Monday, March 30, 2020. He will do a 3 hour professional workshop in the afternoon and a 1 hour community presentation in the evening. He lowered his cost to 1500.00 plus expenses. Amy and Juan are working on a budget for the conference. There was a discussion about where to hold the conference. The task force agreed that the United Wireless Conference Center would be the best choice. Amy will talk with Christa Roy about obtaining sponsorships for the conference. Debbie suggested that we set up an online registration process in order to know how many attendees to expect. We will also be able to provide CEUs to those who need them.
Amy reported that the school district responded to the request to send the fliers home with students. Since they have a large number of requests, they would like to add the flier to their online resources for parents. They also shared the Flier distribution policy.
Debbie will talk with Sacred Heart Cathedral School about sending the fliers home with students.
Agenda Item 2: Membership: There are no new members at this time. Amy had recruitment packets available for task force members to take with them.
Agenda Item 3: Education: NA.
Agenda Item 4: Data Collection: Amy led a discussion about the community surveys. There have been 413 completed at this time, with 58 of those being done online.
Amy will talk with Shannon to find out if we have reached our targets or if we need to reach out to more people.
Agenda Item 5: KDADS update: The following was reported by Juan Baez: Once the budget is completed, we will get the new reporting form; they have created and distributed a new action plan form, which is due on November 1, 2019; the southeast task force has an event scheduled for 3-16-20; DCCCA is creating information around gaming for youth, young adults and parents; everyone needs to be entering data into the Community Check Box as well as completing the progress reports; the south central task force presented at the Prevention Conference along with Juan; Juan reached out to Liberal to share the community survey; Joy sent the community survey links to the Pratt Coalition and the Meade Coalition; Stephanie and Joann, providers in Wichita, will be providing some training to Beacon; we need to update our providers on the flier as Peggy Cecil is no longer at new Chance and there is a new provider in Liberal, we also need to add that Brenda Alarcon is bilingual.
Old Business: See public awareness section for old business.
New Business: 2020 Grant Deliverables: Amy is working on completing the new action plan that is due to KDADS on November 1, 2019. Debbie is working on completing the budget. Amy reported that there were 108 people reached on the Facebook page and it had 53 engagements this week.
Amy provided the new helpline report completed by Shannon Dick and Debbie led a discussion about the data, which continues to show the high numbers of calls in Ford county.
Next Meeting Reminder: November 14, 2019
Time of Adjournment: 2:30 p.m.