Amy Falcon, Debbie Snapp, Dawn Snodgrass, Juan Baez, Christa Roy, and Ethel Schneweis
Members present by phone: Meeting conducted through Google Meet
Call to order and approve agenda: Amy Falcon
Review and Approval of Minutes:
The minutes were not available and will be reviewed and approved next month.
Fiscal agent Financial Report: The financial report was not available for the meeting.
Agenda Item 1: Public Awareness: Amy led a discussion regarding the updated movie theater advertising campaign. There will now be 75,000 impressions throughout the year and 12 weeks of free mobile advertising, which will be 39,000 impressions.
Agenda Item 2: Membership: There are no new members at this time. Amy had recruitment packets available for task force members to take with them.
Agenda Item 3: Education: Nothing to report.
Agenda Item 4: Data Collection: Nothing to report.
Agenda Item 5: KDADS update: Juan gave the following KDADS update:
- The KCPG has confirmed Brianne Doura-Schawohl for a workshop for February 10, 2022. The workshop will be 9-noon on sports betting. Brianne has a background in lobbying at the national level and will include information about sports betting that would be good for decision makers to hear.
- The state administrative services survey for problem gambling has been completed (September 10). It will be published early 2022. It is a compilation of all participating states. The funding they receive for their program and services provided. You can review the last one that was done in 2016, should you have an interest. It is located at this link: "2016 National Survey Problem Gambling Services."
- Task forces were developed by NCPG to give recommendations to the board on the topics of Complaint Processes, Helpline and other Key Issues, Support and Evaluation of ED, Affiliate Subcommittee on Relationship Building, and NCPG Committee Structure Review Task Force.
- The NCPG Board approved staff to move forward with negotiations to hold the 2023 NCPG National Conference in Washington, D.C.
- NCPG put out a request for proposal (RFP) for a grant administration consultant for the funding NCPG received from the NFL.
- Upcoming deadlines include 11/15 for signing up for the Gift Responsibly campaign for organizations to be included on the website and press release of those involved in the campaign.
- The call for proposals for presentations for the 2022 conference are being accepted until 11/30.
- The newest version of the NCPG strategic plan/framework is in the last stages for approval and implementation.
- The newest Legislative Director for NCPG has been hired and recently started. His name is Cole Wagoman. He is an attorney who as experience in working on gambling legislation.
- The task force quarterly report is due on 11/15/ 21.
- Prevention Legislative Advocacy Day 2022 will be on January 26th and 27th if virtual and the 26th in person. A survey was sent out to see preferences for whether the event should be live or virtual. We will send more details as they become available.
Old Business: No old business to discuss.
New Business: Christa led a discussion regarding Women's Night Out in Garden City on December 14, 2021. She will have a booth. Amy will provide her with 300 hand sanitizers and brochures to hand out.
Next Meeting Reminder: December 9, 2021
Time of Adjournment: 2:30 p.m.