Members present: Amy Falcon, Debbie Snapp, Ethel Schneweis, Larissa Craig, Juan Baez, Richard Falcon, Abbey Martin and Christa Roy.
Members present by phone: None.
Call to order and approve agenda: Debbie Snapp.
Review and Approval of Minutes: Minutes were not available and will be handed out at the June meeting.
Fiscal agent Financial Report: Debbie reviewed the financial report.
Agenda Item 1: Public Awareness: Amy reviewed the status of media ads and other public awareness activities. Amy is working on getting new invoices for media ads and completing new contracts. The giveaways (hot/cold packs and nail files) have been ordered.
Agenda Item 2: Membership: There are no new members at this time. Amy had recruitment packets available for task force members to take with them.
Agenda Item 3: Education: NA.
Agenda Item 4: Data Collection: Amy led a discussion about dividing the community surveys between task force members. Shannon is finishing the survey monkey form so we will have an electronic survey. Brenda Romero from Catholic Charities is translating the survey into Spanish.
Agenda Item 5: KDADS update: Juan provided the following information: May 24th is the early bird deadline for registering for the Midwest Conference and the registration for the National conference is not out yet; the FY2020 contracts will be signed by 7-1-19; he reminded the task force to spend their money by June 30, 2019; there will be a mandatory meeting sometime in August for the new grant year; there are some upcoming webinars – Military Veterans and Research Perspectives and Neurobiology of gambling disorder; there are Kansas specific materials on gaming being developed; there is no official opening date for the Golden Mesa casino, possibly July; sports betting will not be happening this year.
Old Business: 2019 Grant Deliverables: Amy provided information regarding the status of the grant deliverables as well as the media that will be renewed and/or added.
New Business: Debbie shared a list of things the task force would like communicated to KDADS:
- Helpline data provided that allows a clear understanding of how many individuals referred by provider type (i.e. GA, KCPC, CMHC, etc.).
- Helpline data provided that allows for a clear understanding of why the person seeking help is calling (i.e. new referral, VEP removal, reengage in treatment, etc.).
- Number of individuals referred to treatment and actually entered treatment. (By gaming zone would be sufficient.).
- Number of individuals entered into treatment by county reported in the same manner VEP data is reported.
- Number of individuals who successfully completed treatment compared to the number who entered treatment. (An annual statewide number would be sufficient.).
- Assistance in developing additional provider and self-help resources, especially Gamblers Anonymous.
Debbie reported that she has asked Shannon to update the helpline data.
Next Meeting Reminder: June 13, 2019
Time of Adjournment: 2:30 p.m.